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Adult websites vulnerable to exploitation of children

Adult advertisement websites vulnerable to exploitation of children

Adult advertisement websites are vulnerable to sexual exploitation of children, a group of experts concludes. They call on policy makers and legislators to take action. Websites are so vulnerable that the Dutch Law on the Regulation of Sex Work and the European Digital Services Act will not be sufficient to prevent the sexual exploitation of children through adult advertisement platforms, experts conclude.

exploitation of children

Field Lab against child exploitation

The Dutch Public Prosecution Service initiated a multidisciplinary approach with various stakeholders in 2020 to tackle persistent problems related to different forms of human trafficking. One Field Lab focused specifically on the issue of online sexual exploitation of children. Participants included representatives from the Public Prosecution Service, the National Police, Terre des Hommes, the Centre Against Child and Human Trafficking (CKM), and the Dutch National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings and Sexual Violence against Children.

Easy access to child victims via websites

The findings of the group indicate that it is relatively easy to arrange a meeting with a minor for paid sexual services through online platforms. With a few exceptions, it is relatively simple to place advertisements of this nature on adult advertisement websites.

Industry’s code of conduct proves ineffective

A code of conduct established by some website operators in 2018, and intended to prevent the exploitation of children, turns out to be rarely enforced in practice. Moreover, it does not provide sufficient safeguards to protect children. Alarmingly, there is insufficient support and commitment within the industry to establish a stricter code of conduct that effectively safeguards children. While there are a few well-intentioned operators, they cannot reach an agreement on a new code of conduct, nor can they gain the support of the entire industry.

Recommendations to policy makers and legislators

As a result, the Field Lab group advises exploring the possibility of mandatory regulation for adult advertisement platforms. At a minimum, this should include the following elements:

  • 100% age verification using an official ID and/or identity verification software.
  • Pre-moderation of advertisements: New or modified ads should not go live until they have been screened for exploitation/minor involvement.
  • Mandatory reporting: Any indication of children or exploitation must be reported to the police.
  • Immediate removal: Mandatory immediate deactivation of ads flagged by users for potentially involving children or exploitation. Websites should feature a clearly visible and recognizable reporting button.
  • Awareness banners: A banner to be placed on every website to raise awareness among sex buyers.
  • Periodic inspections: Websites should be subject to regular audits to ensure compliance with the code of conduct.

Download the letter to Dutch Parliament (in Dutch).



Also read: 2023 Help line data: Netherlands must do more to protect children against exploitation